remember vividly

  • 记忆犹新
remember vividlyremember vividly
  1. and I remember vividly one particular day when I returned from college


  2. Most entrepreneurs remember vividly when they decided to strike out on their own .


  3. I remember vividly another evening , when something led us to talk of dante 's veneration for virgil .


  4. I remember vividly he didn 't return me the money .


  5. I remember vividly people going to the local supermarkets and buying up all kinds of canned goods and throwing them back in their cars


  6. I remember vividly the very moment when he told me there seemed something wrong with me and asked me whether he could do something for me .


  7. I remember vividly one of the most exuberant parties in Davos , hosted in the mid-1990s by the Mexican government .


  8. I remember vividly the managing director of ICI pharmaceuticals saying to me that he would pay to do his job , he enjoyed it so much .


  9. You can still remember vividly those painful , undignified occasions when you tried to be a hero and drowned instead in a sea of ridicule .


  10. He can still remember vividly the first snow sculpture he made . It was a sculpture depicting a warm family scene : a father coming home from work and his son and dog running toward him with big smiles on their faces , he says .


  11. Ten hours - you are in at the deep end so you had about ten hours then you go off on your own I remember vividly what it felt like being at the end of a runway and you are in an aircraft on your own - it was a great feeling .


  12. I still remember it vividly .


  13. What I do remember , vividly , is graduation .


  14. I remember most vividly the frightening pace of the lectures .


  15. I end up surprising myself when I realize that something I remember so vividly happened so long ago .


  16. What I do remember , vividly , is graduation


  17. I remember very vividly as a child growing up in England , living through the Cuban Missile Crisis .


  18. In fact when I look back on my thirty-eight years in the auto industry , the day I remember most vividly has nothing at all to do with new cars and promotions and profits .


  19. I was one of those kids , and I remember rather vividly walking through the hall way of my high school having people split me , call me names , threaten to beat me up .


  20. I remember the moment vividly .


  21. When one of the worst industrial disasters in history occurred , I remember this December vividly as I was firmly set by then I became a chemical engineer .
